Photo Credit Stillman Rogers

News & Notices
Select Board Notices
Per the Alstead Select Board
many of the roads have been posted for weight limits. PLEASE USE CAUTION!!
Next Select Board Meeting:
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 5:00pm at the Town Offices
Attend via Google Meet here
Attend via conference call: Dial 978-990-5000; enter access code 539083# (recommended for best audio)
Please note*** The Town Office Administrator, Misty Gratacos, will be out of the office from April 6th- April 11th. If you need assistance during this time either email Misty at mgratacos@alsteadnh.gov or email Sharon Iozzo, Office Assistant at siozzo@alsteadnh.gov THANK YOU***
Town Clerk/Tax Collector Notices
Supervisors Of The Checklist Notices
Planning & Zoning Board Notices
The Planning and Zoning Boards need new volunteer members. Please contact any member of either Board, or any Selectman for more information.
Planning and ZBA meetings are posted on the municipal calendar at left. Attend in person at the Municipal Offices. Attend on Google Meet with prior request: Click here
Conservation Commission Notices
The Conservation Commission needs new volunteer members. Please contact any member of the Commission, or any Selectman for more information.
Meetings are posted on the municipal calendar at left. Attend in person at the Municipal Offices.