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Dog Licenses

State of New Hampshire RSA 466.1 requires that every owner or keeper of a dog four months old or older shall annually cause it to be registered, numbered, described, and licensed for one year in the city or town in which the dog is kept. Regardless of when the license is obtained, the license shall be effective from May 1st of each year to April 30th of the subsequent year. Dog licenses are available at the Town Clerk's office. In order to avoid fines, please remember to register your dogs by the end of April.


Wolf Hybrids:  RSA 466-A


State law requires that before a license is issued, the owner or keeper of a dog must furnish proof to the town clerk that the dog has been vaccinated against rabies.


In addition, if the dog has been spayed or neutered, the owner or keeper needs to furnish the town with the proper documentation.


Failure to license your dog is a violation of State law. In addition to the annual license fee you will be charged a late fee of $1.00 per month, per dog for each month (or part of month) after June 1st. A civil forfeiture fee will also be assessed in the amount of $25.00, which is payable within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the notice of failure to register your dog(s). If the forfeiture fee is not paid within that time, a summons to appear in court shall be issued in accordance with State law requirements.




  • $20.00 - Kennel license of 5+ dogs

  • $9.00 - Male or Female unaltered

  • $6.50 – Spayed or Neutered

  • $6.50 – Puppy (Dog must be under 7-months-old at time of registration)

  • $2.00 – Senior Owner Fee for the first dog, then the regular price for each dog after that.


(To qualify seniors must be over the age of 65 and only one discounted license is available to each Senior.)


If you no longer own your dog, contact the Town Clerk’s office; we will then update your record so that you do not receive any future notices.

Click button below to renew on-line
ALSTEAD DogLicensing_icon.jpg

Town of Alstead | 15 Mechanic Street | Alstead, NH 03602 |

Select Board Phone 603-835-2986 | Town Clerk/Tax Collector Phone 603-835-2242 | Fax 603-835-2178


© 2017-2024 Town of Alstead

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