Town Moderator - Susan Norlander - Term Expires 2024
The Town Moderator is an elected official who presides over all Town Meetings and elections. The position holder is elected for a two-year term every even-numbered year, at the Annual Town Meeting.
As the town's chief election official, the moderator is in charge of the polls on election day. The moderator ensures that all election officials are available on that day and that they understand their duties. The moderator may also appoint an assistant moderator and any other election officials that are deemed necessary.
Prior to opening the polls, the moderator inspects the polling place to make certain that voter instructions are posted and that the checklists and voting booths are ready.
In addition, the moderator opens and closes the polls at the designated hour. After the polls are closed, the moderator oversees the counting of votes by other election officials, certifies the checklist used for the election, processes absentee ballots, and seals the official ballot results.