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Tax Exemption Criteria

Contact Information

Selectboard Office

Phone: 603-835-2986

Fax: 603-835-2178

Address:15 Mechanic Street

Alstead, NH 03602

Exemptions are a reduction in the assessed value of your property. Application forms are available in the Assessing Office at Town Office or by clicking here. The following exemptions are available at the Alstead town office:

Elderly Exemption:

  • 65 to 74 Years Old $25,000

  • 75 to 79 Years Old $50,000

  • 80 Years Old or Older $100,000

Income Limits: Single $20,000      Married: $27,000

Asset Limits: Single $50,000          Married: $50,000

  • Blind Exemption: $15,000

Solar Energy Exemption: Equal to 100% of the assessed value of qualifying solar energy system equipment. RSA 72:61-64

Wind Powered Energy System Exemption: In the amount equal to 100% of the assessed value of qualifying wind-powered energy system equipment. RSA 72:65-68

Wood Heating Energy System Exemption: In the amount equal to 100% of the assessed value of qualifying wood-heating energy system equipment. RSA 72:69-72

Qualifying Criteria

Elderly Exemptions: To qualify, the applicant must have been a New Hampshire resident for at least three (3) years, own the real estate individually or jointly, or if the real estate is owned by the person’s spouse, they must have been married for at least five (5) years. In addition, the taxpayer must have a net income of not more than $17,500 if single or, if married, a combined net income of $24,000* and own net assets not in excess of $40,000 excluding the value of the person’s residence and two acres of land. RSA 72:39-a

*Net income as defined in RSA 72:39-a is determined by deducting from “all monies received” including social security or pension payments, the amount of any of the following:  Life insurance paid on the death of an insured; expenses and costs incurred in the course of conducting a business enterprise; and/or proceeds from the sale of assets.

Blind Exemptions: To qualify, the applicant must be legally blind as determined by the blind services program, bureau of vocational rehabilitation, department of education. RSA 72:37

Solar Energy Exemption: To qualify, the applicant must provide evidence of the existence of the functioning solar energy equipment in the residence. The exemption is equal to 100% of the assessed valuation of the solar system. RSA 72:62

Wind Powered Energy System Exemption: To qualify, the applicant must provide evidence of the existence of the functioning wind powered energy system in the residence. The exemption is equal to 100% of the assessed valuation of the wind powered system. RSA 72:65

Wood Heating Energy Exemption: To qualify, the applicant must provide evidence of the existence of the functioning wood heating energy equipment in the residence. The exemption is equal to 100% of the assessed valuation of the wood heating energy system. RSA 72:69

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